About Us

Marc and I have been married since October 14, 2005. We dated 4 years before taking the plunge! On December 14, 2007 we were blessed with our little girl Abigail (Abby). She weighed a healthy 8lbs 15ounces. She came a week before her due date. (I was induced) She is a sassy 4 year old and always keeps us laughing. On September 9, 2011 our sweet baby boy, Matthew, arrived weighing an even healthier 9 lbs 6 oz. We also have a dog (Layla) and a cat (Sissy). We moved into a new home in North Phoenix in May of 2007. It was so fun to watch the progress of it being built. Hard to believe we have already lived here 4 years. We are still changing paint colors on the walls! The picture above is from our trip to Kauai in 2006 for our one year wedding anniversary. Can't wait to go back again someday when the kiddos are a little older! I started this fun little blog so friends and family can stay updated on what is going on with us (since I am so horrible about making phone calls and sending e-mails). Hope you enjoy!


Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers


Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Monday, February 9, 2009

Growing Up So Fast

I just thought I would post a little update about what Abby is up to. First of all, she has been sick three times already this year which is no fun for anyone. She only got sick one time (ear infection) the entire first year so I guess she is making up for it now. This last virus hit her really good. Her temperature actually got all the way up to 105.8. Luckily after some Motrin and nap it came down to 102.3. Had it not come down we would have been on our way to the emergency room. Now that she has gotten over that I think she has her first molar working its way to the surface. I can feel it right under the surface of the gums and her gums are SOOO swollen. She was up at 5:30am this morning and while I was watching her on the video monitor she just kept putting her finger in her mouth and chewing on it.

On to more fun items....Abby can now identify every part of our faces. When we ask her where the part is she will point to it. Today she successfully did hair, ear, cheek, eye, nose, mouth and chin. She caught on so fast. We only had to show her a couple times before she got it. She also knows what a lot of her toys are and when we tell her to go get something specific she will. When asked for a hug she will just lay her head against us. Very cute and fun for Mommy since she has never been much of a cuddler.

She also has some words now. I count them as words because I know what she is saying but I am not sure anyone else would have any idea what she is saying. Does that count? Anyway, she says dog (goc), duck(guc), more(mo), and mama. She also signs more and eat.

She is very in to cause and effect toys and very interested in the way things work. One of her favorite things to do is to get the remote and turn the TV on and off. She also really enjoys putting lids on bottles. She plays with an empty mouthwash and shampoo bottle in the bathtub and likes to put the lids back on them. When she can't get it just right she gets frustrated and chucks the lid as hard as she can across the bathtub. Kinda reminds me of her Daddy when one of his household projects isn't going right :).

She still has quite a ways to go before walking on her own, but she sure does love to walk holding on to our hands. She has low muscle tone so she will be a late walker. Her ankles are weak and turn in when she walks so she walks on the inside of her feet. She cruises the furniture very well though.

I am just trying to enjoy every moment of it. They are only little once and it goes by so fast. I already miss my little newborn. Funny that I remember her first smiles and laughs perfectly but I can't remember what it felt like to be up every 2 hours all night long and the 2 hour crying sessions. I guess that is how nature intended it though. Selective amnesia so we will continue to have more children!

In this pictue Abby was looking out the window to the backyard trying to find Layla.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Grandma and Grandpa Bryand's Visit

Marc's Mom and Dad came to visit in the beginning of January and I am just now getting around to posting. I know, I stink at this blogging thing. Anyway, they had not seen Abby since she was 6 months old so it was nice that they were able to come from Minnesota. Abby got sick the day after they got here so she was not her usual self for the first few days. Once she felt better she had a great time hanging out with Grandma and Grandpa.

Abby went hiking with Dad, Grandma and Grandpa.

Here she is hitching a ride on Grandpa's back
Grandma decided to go trailblazing and this is what happened to Grandpa when he tried to rescue her.....Oh well, what is a trip to AZ without getting attacked by a cactus?