In other news, I am battling the the dreaded gestational diabetes again. So frustrating. I knew my chances of avoiding it were slim since my risk was highly increased after having it with Abby. I was holding out hope though. So what does it mean for me? It means that I don't get to eat anything fun. I have to eat a very high protein, low carb, NO sugar diet of very small meals in order to keep my blood sugar on target. I have been following this diet for 4 weeks now and I pretty much want to barf just looking at an egg, which happens to be about my only choice for breakfast. It also makes it difficult to gain wait because it is hard to get enough calories every day. Haven't gained even a pound in the last 4 weeks. I think the Dr. is happy as long as I gain another 5 lbs or so before the end of the pregnancy.
BUT....In a nutshell, challenges of this pregnancy and all, IT IS ALL SOOOOO WORTH IT!!!! I get to meet my little man in 14 weeks or less!