He has been slow to reach milestones and still is not reaching for toys or rolling from back to belly. As much as I try not to worry and realize that all kids are on their own timeline, it is pretty much impossible for the worry wort within :).
Our sleeping has GREATLY improved since getting the reflux under control a little more. Bedtime is between 6:30pm and 7:00pm and he sleeps until 5am, when, like clockwork, he wakes every morning. He gets a diaper change and a bottle and then I put him back to bed. He is such a good little guy and goes back to sleep with no complaints until sometime between 7am and 8am. He naps 3 times a day for anywhere from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours. He almost always (90 % of the time) wakes up after 30 minutes, but will sometimes go back to sleep for another 30-60 minutes.
He is wearing 12 month size clothes and size 3 diapers, drools like crazy, always has a hand in his mouth, likes to play with his feet, hates being on his tummy, likes to blow raspberries, doesn't "talk" much, HATES it when I sing to him, smiles and laughs all the time and I love him!
Aww mandy moo I feel like I'm right there with you on the nursing. I gave it up at three months because of stress, lack of milk, and baby blues and still to this day even know Jaden is 16 months still feel guilty but know that we do our best and that's all we can do! Also with the acid reflux, Jaden had that bad too so I feel your pain there as well. Matthew and Abby are lucky to have such a wonderful mother like you!!